Saturday, January 18, 2014


One day she went and brutally chopped off her mane just to see if her beauty would still be looked upon as majestic. As the weight of it fell away from her being, she felt light, different, crippled and scared. She looked in the mirror to find some sort of notorious pixie staring back at her. Yes, her short cropped ends made her dimples more visible, made her look strangely younger and gave her the air of a loving brat. She also somehow managed to retain a mysterious hint of majestic somewhere in her it had never been in her mane. She was beginning to feel a tiny swing in the step she was about to take off of her chair. She turned around with that joy steering her.

But that. That is when she saw the mane at her feet, her heart broke and it left her out of breath before she could think. It used to ride the winds, that mane..That Mane....that mane sang of unspoken power...and now it lay limp on the ground like a defeatist prey awaiting its lowly fate. And she had hacked it away from her body. Her breath slowly came back now as her handicap sunk in...a majestic handicap!

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