"The meeting is Sacrosanct!" "Yes Ma'am! We are extremely sorry." The apologies streamed as if by rote. The word Sacrosanct hung like a heavy lazy cloud on their dazed minds. They filed out of the (sacrosanct!) meeting, that didn't end up happening.
Ah! Lets just scamper back quietly and sink behind the horizon of our computers. Nope? Not yet? Another morally offended face to deal with coming our way? okay...fine... "Yes? Where were you? Guys, this meeting is sacrosanct!" SACROSANCT? Again? OH GOOD HEAVENS! What have we done? Why do we feel like we might have committed some contemporary of demolishing a mosque? SACROSANCT! what a word!
We have disobeyed SACROSANCT. The sound of that word perches atop their neck and weighs them down, until they can look no higher than their toes. It follows them like grim punishment following sin.
"You guys missed the meeting? But this meeting is..." 'Wait for it!' "SACROSANCT! This meeting is Sacrosanct."
Again? By now they are dragging their feet back to their desks, like bulls ploughing a field. Then someone occasionally tightens the yoke and cracks the whip on them - SACROSANCT; and their backs hunch a little further and they scurry a bit faster towards the first available computer, like mice towards their hole.
Three writers sit before GOOGLE and direly pray for their turmoil to be answered. 'What is the meaning of Sacrosanct?' For shame! Guys, commenting on this post is SACROSANCT btw!
No one took you seriously!
ReplyDeleteOther than the person who actually read it and then went to trouble to show me that people not commenting is a sacrilegious contradiction to my sacrosanct orders. ;-)